A list of frequently asked questions about the Cruise-In Admission Tickets are below. Click on the question and the answer will appear below. Please feel free to contact us if were not able to answer your question about the show.
Yes, Everyone age 18 and over needs an adult admission ticket. 17 and under are free.
$10.00 per ticket for adult ticket. The adult ticket has a tear off strip that allows the holder to enter for the door prize drawing of the car.
You still need an admission ticket. You are paying for the right to get into the show, not for a chance on the car. The drawing for the car is a door prize and requires the tear off ticket stub to be placed in the barrel, this is optional.
The state of Utah requires that anyone winning the car be 18 or older.
You can buy as many admission tickets as you want.
No, we do not have a discount for the General Admission Tickets.
No, an admission ticket is good for all 3 days of the show.
If you do give your admission ticket to someone that already has an admission ticket and that ticket wins the door prize then the person you gave the ticket to is the winner.
Yes, everyone age 18 and over requires an admission ticket even if they are part of a camping group.