A list of frequently asked questions about the Cruise-In Camping are below. Click on the question and the answer will appear below. Please feel free to contact us if were not able to answer your question about the show.
$20.00 per night if you are registered with a car for the show.
Camping money is collected by the camping host at the fairgrounds. He will come by your camp to collect.
We ask that you limit your vehicles to the camper, tow vehicle if needed and car show car. Our space is limited and fills up fast.
Yes everyone age 18 and over requires an admission ticket even if they are part of a camping group.
There are limited hookups for camping and they are first come first serve.
The majority of the camping places are reserved. If you are in one that was not reserved and want to save the one next to you, you can.
Campers start to come in on Sunday of the show week. But we ask that they not come in until after 5:00 pm on Sunday. There is another group using the fairgrounds the weekend before us and we need to let them finish their event.